THIS seems to be a sad year for the York branch of the Royal Marines Association.

It would appear that because of a sudden decline in the membership, due to the bereavement and the ever-increasing age of our veterans, the branch may have to close and lay up its proud standard to rot in some corner of a local church.

I enlisted at Deal in 1935 and served on board battleships on contraband control during the Spanish Civil War. I am appealing for all who have connections with this elite company to write to the address below, or to telephone Terry Halder, the local secretary and a member of the national council, on 01904 421765. Meetings are held at the Clarence Street Working Men's Club on the second Monday of May, July, September and so on.

In addition, there is to be a small social get-together at the Manor Restaurant on the junction of the A166 at Fridaythorpe on Saturday, April 8, at 12.30pm.

Remember, you do not have to be a full member of this elite corps. There must be many out there who served and fought alongside the marines all over the world and can join with us as associate members. You will still be entitled to join our company either locally or nationally and wear "The Globe & Laurel" with pride.

Bernard Hallas,

6 Hawthorne Avenue,



YO32 3JT

Updated: 09:17 Wednesday, April 05, 2006