WHAT do we do now? That's what Selby's MP will be asked when he is grilled by cash-strapped civic chiefs on Thursday.

Councillors will challenge John Grogan over his opposition to the council's ill-fated council house sell-off.

In a referendum last month, council tenants voted in favour of staying with the council, rather than transferring to a private housing association.

Tomorrow will see Mr Grogan appear before Selby District Council's overview and scrutiny committee for the first time since the referendum.

Committee chairman John McCartney said councillors would ask him what to do next?

He said: "I think it's fair to ask him - he said not to do it, knowing full well that there would be a deficit for years.

"We are still selling off 50 to 60 houses a year so there will be an ongoing deficit."

Selby's housing stock has been reduced by "right to buy" legislation, with nearly 4,000 homes sold in the past two decades. The stock currently stands at 3,100.

Coun McCartney added: "The housing waiting list is rising and is currently at 1,790.

"With about 50 homes being sold every year the council rental income is reducing by about £140,000 per year."

Mr Grogan said: "I think it's possible to over-exaggerate the problems facing Selby. The consultants who advised Selby said it was possible to maintain the current level of service for the foreseeable future."

Updated: 09:32 Wednesday, April 05, 2006