WHY, if we have one of the lowest council tax bills in the country, is this so-called Labour Government threatening the elected representatives of the city with rate capping?

This Government has already said that we deserve some £1.25 million in extra funding and we are, in York, below the national average for band D homes.

How is it that the Lord Mayor of London's rate rise is more than 13 per cent with no mention of rate capping him?

If indeed we are capped, it will cost the council so much to reissue the council tax demands, that the citizens of York will not only have to fund the shortfall with the loss of services to cover the rate shortfall, but also fund the extra costs of the rate cap process.

I can't believe the spin doctors in Whitehall rate us in the North as so stupid that we can't see through what they're doing.

Come the next General Election the people of York will deliver its opinion on this so-called "Labour" Government.

How can they have the nerve to lecture us, and call us spendthrifts?

Perhaps if the council could award some knighthoods or massive public sector contracts it could borrow some money to help with the council tax bills.

I would ask in the name of equity and fairness that ministers reconsider the possibility of capping our council and allow councillors to run the authority without hindrance and interference from Whitehall.

We voted for them and we will have the opportunity to judge them on their achievements.

This judgement should be made without the interference from faceless bean counters in London.

David Kirk,

Melcombe Avenue,

Strensall, York.

Updated: 10:19 Tuesday, April 04, 2006