WITHOUT wishing to be embroiled in protracted arguments about the conduct of Osbaldwick Parish Council "according to the gospel of F Wilson" (Letters, March 27), it is worth noting that, for whatever reason, Mr Wilson wishes to see the proposed Derwenthorpe development go ahead.

To this end, he takes every opportunity to impugn the integrity of the parish council either by writing to the Press or to City Of York Council asking for the parish council to be disbanded.

As to the increase in the parish precept, the parish council has a duty to represent the majority of parishioners who signed the petition calling for the public inquiry.

Unfortunately, this incurs expense - expert counsel does not come free. However, the parish council does not make decisions on this lightly and many of the councillors have worked long and hard producing evidence, even incurring expenses without charge to the parish.

We hope that the precept raised this year will lead to a surplus and a reduction in the precept next year.

As for Mr Wilson's assertion that discussions on the development are held behind closed doors, this is untrue. All council meetings are open to the public and we would urge more parishioners to attend.

The public are excluded only for those discussions involving business of a confidential nature where publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest.

It is also worth noting that Mr and Mrs Wilson have written to the inquiry inspectorate in favour of the development, but asking for the road where they live to be closed so that, unlike their fellow parishioners, they would not be subjected to the vast increase in construction traffic and then new residents' traffic that would be created.

W H Hall,

Chair, Osbaldwick Parish Council,

The Village,

Osbaldwick, York.

Updated: 09:56 Monday, April 03, 2006