PATIENTS using York's walk-in centre are to be given a welcome gift in time for Easter - increased opening hours.

The Monkgate centre's opening times were slashed by 49 hours a week just before Christmas - cuts the primary care trust said were a trial measure and part of its work to develop emergency care services.

The centre had been open from 7am to 10pm, but under the cuts these hours were reduced so the centre was open from noon to 8pm.

Now trust bosses have announced that from Monday, the hours will be extended again to 8am to 8pm every day of the week, as a permanent change.

Heather Rice, Selby and York Primary Care Trust's director of health and social care, said patients had missed not being able to access the walk-in centre in the mornings.

"A temporary period of staff shortages has meant the walk-in centre has been operating shorter opening hours since December," she said.

"This has given us an opportunity however, to focus our skilled nursing team on patients who need our services most.

"We have been particularly able to support our integrated team working out of hours.

"While the walk-in centre was operating on shorter hours, we have seen no major impact on other services such as York Hospital's Accident and Emergency department or local GP surgeries.

"However, we always said this was to be a temporary measure, and from the feedback we have received it is clear that patients have missed the lack of access to the walk-in centre services in the mornings.

"As a consequence, we feel that by opening at 8am we can increase the availability of this service in time for the Easter holidays and the summer tourist season in York.

"What has been encouraging during the period of reduced hours is that patients are good at considering and using the most appropriate NHS service for their needs. A&E services are most appropriate for those following an accident or in a severe emergency, and the walk-in centre provides highly-skilled treatment of minor injuries and minor illnesses.

"GP practices offer continuity of care, while NHS Direct and your local pharmacist are good sources of advice and support.

"The data collected from the new hours will continue to be used to help influence our joint working with York Hospital Trust on integrating future emergency care services across Selby and York."

The primary care trust's out-of-hours emergency service operates from 6pm to 8am. It is available on 0845 0568060.

Updated: 08:49 Saturday, April 01, 2006