CITY of York Council may be capped. For pensioners paying council tax this is a moment of joy, and a kick up the backside for Steve Galloway and the council. Just what was needed.

But Hugh Bayley, York's Labour MP, telling the Evening Press he would "move heaven and earth" to save the council from capping, but warning the Lib Dem leadership to "change its extravagance with the taxpayers' money", was a little bit like the kettle calling the pot grimy.

Because the Labour MP's expenses, now published, are extravagant to say the least. Then there's all the media embroilment over Labour members' private accommodation claims, currently under investigation. Their claims from the taxpayer are not extravagant - they are exorbitant.

Christopher R Leeman,

Bouthwaite Drive,



Updated: 09:26 Friday, March 31, 2006