NOW that Tony Blair has seen the burning Bush and is in touch with God, will the next campaign for regime change be 1) to replace the Pope with Blair or 2) to replace the Archbishop of Canterbury with Bush?

Whatever they do in the future many of us will never forget the lies and deceit they have peddled about Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction. Or the hypocrisy they continue to practice in criticising Iran for nuclear development whilst having assisted Israel to have nuclear power and weapons of mass destruction, but pretending not to know!

Is this B Liar's and Bush's idea of fairness and equality of treatment?

They have merely proved what history has frequently recorded, that an over-zealous belief in any god or super being generally leads to argument and then war and destruction.

Most beliefs seem to have their roots in despotic cruelty and torture, especially the torture and death of those who refuse to share the same beliefs.

Blair and Bush in Iraq, the Holy Wars, The Inquisition, Massacre of the Jews, 9/11 - how easily the victims become the vengeful.

Paul Cooper,

Kingsway West,

Acomb, York.

Updated: 10:49 Monday, March 20, 2006