I TAKE offence at the letter from Mrs Wigley regarding cash rewards for good grades (March 9).

Both my daughters attend Canon Lee School, York, and one was included in the photograph.

Canon Lee in the past has had a bad reputation. However, my experience of this school is of a high standard of education by friendly, approachable and hard-working staff.

Rewarding children is a good way of encouraging them to get better grades. My daughters always have an excellent report and work hard both at school and at home. Rewarding them for trying to increase their grades is not a bribe, but encourages them to work as a team while improving their grades which, in turn, will hopefully give them a good education to enable them to go on to higher education or find a good job.

In addition, Canon Lee is a very strict school where school uniform is concerned. My daughter is always presentable when she goes to school and I take offence at the remark that she must have got dressed in the dark.

I have been to many events where Canon Lee schoolchildren have been extremely well behaved, such as regional athletics at the York City Knights Stadium, while other schools' pupils have made a bad impression by swearing, shouting and not paying attention to what the event was all about.

Canon Lee children supported each other and I have to say participate well in team events.

Keep up the good work, Canon Lee.

Mrs E Walker,

Burdyke Avenue,



Updated: 10:33 Friday, March 17, 2006