I RECENTLY received my pension "rise" from the Chancellor, based on inflation. After he has taken back tax it amounts to £8.05 per month, so I am not about to book the holiday.

At the same time I am charged a sum of £30.34 per month for council tax, water and energy.

I fail to see where the inflation statistic comes from that allows such a disparity. On the other hand, having heard Patricia Hewitt telling us all how wonderful the performance of the NHS is, except for a tiny minority of naughty trusts, it all becomes blindingly clear.

Our leaders have forsaken the works manual, Yes Prime Minister, in favour of Alice In Wonderland, where things are what they say they are, so boo to you!

It's not a funny old world any more, is it?

J A Whitmore,

Springfield Road,


Updated: 09:39 Wednesday, March 15, 2006