I DON'T know which moved me more; seeing and hearing the Archbishop of York for the first time last Friday evening and realising just what a force he is for his faith, or the fact that St Helen's Church, Escrick, was packed to bursting point with about 200 people, to welcome John Sentamu on his first visit to their church.

First there was a short service, following a peal of bells, before the arrival of the man himself.

We all listened with rapt attention and not a little amusement to what he had to say.

His Grace spoke easily and at length, starting with the fact that since he arrived in York about 100 days ago he had covered 5,000 miles in his travels to get to know people and places on his new patch. He continued to speak, clearly from the heart, not once faltering in his stride or losing a moment of his audience's interest.

Then there was an hour-long question-and-answer session, during which people asked about subjects varying from his views on forgiveness, the lack of clergy to cover local church services and young people in church today, to his own interests, which he said were keeping fit by visits to the gym, listening to music, reading, cooking, going for walks and generally enjoying family and religious life.

This man has the gift of getting through to all, with warmth and humour, a real "people person".

At one point he suggested that on waking, people should say "Good Morning, God!" instead of "Good God, it's morning!"

What a good idea, from a man who certainly is proving to be the biggest asset the Church has introduced to the flock in a long time.

Heather Causnett,

Escrick Park Gardens,



Updated: 10:22 Tuesday, March 14, 2006