I READ with great interest the three pages to tell us of how our city "stands apart" from everywhere else in the north of our country, and I am very pleased to be part of what our city is and more importantly was (Boom City York, March 8).

Nowhere on the three pages devoted to our "boom city" was there one word about our elderly citizens, their needs, their desires, their longings. They used to be important.

I have written about their loss of the meals-on-wheels service, which has brought tears to several of my ladies.

Some have already had theirs stopped, God knows why. They've needed them for the past five or six years I have delivered them but, hey presto, let them help themselves now they're in their 90s.

Is it beyond the realms of possibility that for one brief shining moment the elderly can have the front page of the Evening Press devoted to their needs?

City of York Council says it does not have the money to finance the WRVS to maintain the meals-on-wheels service, but suddenly in the past three weeks almost every road in this city has been repaired and resurfaced. So the money has come from somewhere - maybe from all the extra council tax council officials must be collecting from the hundreds of flats that have sprung up in the past couple of years?

The elderly in this city and country deserve a better deal than they are getting, so please help them.

Winnie Starkey,

Tang Hall Lane,


Updated: 09:38 Monday, March 13, 2006