Selby RUFC suffered their seventh successive Yorkshire One defeat, losing 19-17 at home to Pontefract, who scored the winning try in the second minute of time added on.

Selby were caught offside at the kick-off and Pontefract fly-half Andy Dean kicked the resulting penalty.

Pontefract continued where they had left off after their earlier Intermediate Cup victory at Sandhill Lane with their 'strong arm tactics'

In the eighth minute Pontefract second row forward Matty Williams was yellow carded for stamping, followed six minutes later by team-mate Ricky Hunter, shown the yellow card for taking down in the line-out.

Selby failed to capitalise on their superior numbers and Pontefract went further ahead with a Dean penalty after 25 minutes.

Pontefract increased their lead after 49 minutes when Selby were penalised for offside and Dean booted his third penalty.

A couple of minutes later Pontefract winger Michael Bateman picked up and sprinted the length of the field to touch down, but the referee brought play back to the Pontefract ten-metre line awarding Pontefract the scrum.

Selby scored after 54 minutes after excellent work by backs Dan Porter, Shaun Austerfield, Andy Gabel and Martin Protheroe had forced Pontefract to concede the penalty for holding on. Fly half Porter kicked the points.

Three minutes later, Austerfield went over under the posts after a mazy run - although he lost the ball over the try line, Selby winger Sam Weller was able to touch down for the try which Porter converted to put Selby 10-9 ahead.

Pontefract replied with an uncoverted try by full-back Simon Spears in the corner.

In the 79th minute Selby were awarded a penalty try. No 8 Wright Phillips made a surging run through Pontefract's defence, with great support by Austerfield, but was unfairly impeded when stopped inches short of the line and the referee awarded a peanlty try.

Dan Porter added the conversion to put 17-14 ahead in the last minute of the game.

However, for the fifth time this season, Selby had victory snatched away.

The forwards, guilty of ball-watching and hesitation, failed to deal with a poor Pontefract drop-out from the re-start, handing the advantage to Pontefract.

After a successful scrum and a succession of mauls, Pontefract spread the ball wide for winger David Thorpe to score a simple try in the corner after two minutes of timke added on. Dean failed with the conversion kick, but Pontefract led 19-17 and Selby suffered their sixth defeat by three points or less this season.

Updated: 10:22 Monday, March 13, 2006