THE working tax credit system - unbelievable! I've had a problem since November 2004, and February 2006 sees me scratching my head wondering how something that was supposed to be so helpful could turn into something so disastrous.

I need someone to help me understand the logic used by this system. It is always in the media and people must be fed up of hearing about it, but it is only when you are caught up in the madness by your need to live on the money that you realise the insanity of it all.

Apparently the computer is boss. All the staff have different manuals and no one has a clue, its all down to the computer. You get letters saying yes to the claim, then letters that say no, letters that say you owe the system money, then letters that say you don't.

I'm getting payments at the moment but they aren't correct and I've got a feeling I'm going to go from one end of the spectrum, of absolutely no money, to the other end where I owe them. I can see it coming, but I'm powerless to stop it.

So I'm in debt now and the carefully-laid plan I had to re-educate myself is unravelling at the seams.

I thought this system would be a huge benefit, enabling me to return to university. But now I'm fearful about the future. I feel like I'm stuck in a vicious circle and I haven't got a clue how to get out of this mess.

I would like to be able to discuss it with someone who is in charge, but it seems that there is no one available. I don't get it. Any suggestions are welcome.

Zoe Nixon,

Alne Terrace,


Updated: 10:54 Friday, February 17, 2006