I READ the Evening Press article on waste collection (January 4) with amazement. If Coun Waller believes the city residents are backing the scheme because they are complying with its diktats, he is wrong.

I applaud the recycling of green waste, and do as much recycling as possible. However, to reduce us to one grey waste pick-up a fortnight is wrong.

If the chaos I have seen is the best York can do, other councils must be in a really sorry state. Trying to get information about collections has been nigh on impossible.

Although I contacted a city councillor and the York Pride action-line, I could not get any help with a proposed change in the collecting schedule.

My husband found the change on the council website. He contacted the York Pride office several times for clarification, but they did not seem to know what was going on. In the end he was told to put the grey bin out and it would be emptied. Not so! The bin men were collecting green ones only.

They had only been given that information at the beginning of the week. On ringing the York Pride line on bin day, we were told that a sticker had been placed on the bin. This was not true of our road or of neighbours in the adjacent road.

We were now told that our bin would not be emptied. Trying to get to someone in charge was a joke.

I back recycling. I do not back the loss of weekly grey bin collections and the neighbours I have discussed this with are far from happy with the change.

We are getting a "budget service" and it is poor and badly planned.

Elaine Mepham,

The Greenway,

Haxby, York.

Updated: 09:39 Wednesday, January 25, 2006