THIS is the very first time I have ever responded to a newspaper, so it goes to show that Bill Hearld's article, "Sunny side of 50 plus" got me jumping up and down somewhat (January 17)!

North Yorkshire is awash with fab 50-year-old women who are neither fuzzy nor dithery, and if they are in bed at 9pm, are probably having the sex he says we can live without... with their specs off !

Why don't you organise an Evening Press competition to find the "niftiest 50" man and woman in the county?

I will head up the panel with you. I think you will be surprised at the number of entries.

Annie Stirk (nifty at 55),

Main Street,



Editor's note: How about it boys and girls? Are you still nifty at fifty-something? Tell us how or why, send us a picture. A bottle of wine for the winner.

Updated: 10:34 Friday, January 20, 2006