PARTY-goers are warned to beware of their drinks being spiked in the run-up to the festive season.

Female revellers are urged to keep an eye on glasses and bottles to avoid falling victim to drug rape.

But women were reassured, after a hoax email was circulated in York warning about a drug called progesterex being used by rapists to sterilise their victims.

North Yorkshire Police said there were no reports of such a drug - but reinforced their message to women to take care.

A police spokesman said: "There are no instances of this substance being used in our area and I have never heard of it elsewhere.

"But we always urge women to be careful and never leave their drinks unattended because it only takes a second for someone to put something into it.

"Women should take their drinks with them when they go to the toilet or make sure a trusted friend is watching it for them."

The scaremongering email has been circulating since 1999 and has led to several police forces issuing warnings against it.

A spokeswoman for York Crisis, which advises and counsels rape victims in the city, said she had not heard of the hoax, but urged women to remain alert.

"We find that a big problem is not necessarily drugs like Rohypnol, but people spiking drinks with other alcohol," she said.

"If someone offers to buy you a drink, go to the bar with them to make sure it is not being spiked with a double vodka. We would like to see better awareness among bar staff to stop people asking for shots to be put in drinks.

"Drug rape does happen, but quite often people spike drinks with Rohypnol to rob or steal rather than commit assaults."

A spokesman for Victim Support warned drugs could act quickly, and urged women to have an action plan in case they fell victim to spiking.

"Always have the number of a minicab firm that you trust, so you can go home if you are feeling unwell or even to accident and emergency," he said. "Of course go out and have a good time at Christmas, but be aware of what you are drinking. We do deal with a few thousand rape cases every year.

"If you drink too much, your judgement is impaired, and if something does happen you are less able to identify an attacker."

Help is available over the Christmas period from York Rape Crisis on 01904 610907, or Victim Support on 01904 636905 or 0845 3030900.

Updated: 09:57 Wednesday, December 21, 2005