TONY Blair is facing great opposition as he tries to force his unwelcome education reforms on to the country.

The reason for this opposition is clear - the proposals are bad for schools, bad for pupils and bad for York.

This plan could destabilise York, one of the most successful education authorities in the country. Small differences in achievement between schools would widen. Admission could become a free-for-all, with pupils forced to trek across town instead of going to their local school.

And choice? It disappears - these plans are all about schools choosing pupils, and little to do with parents choosing schools.

Right now, the focus of any reform in the country's schools should be about teaching standards, not the structures of education. Tony Blair is simply trying to carve his legacy by imposing pointless change. This puts the education of York's young people at risk.

Propping up a lame-duck Prime Minister intent on change for change's sake can be the only reason any Labour MP would support these proposals, while the Tories will back such "reforms" because they want a return to selection based on ability. That is what this White Paper will bring, and a great many York pupils will lose out as a result.

Education in York is performing at an all time high - Ofsted, parents and schools all acknowledge that. And local authorities serve education far better across the country than the White Paper assumes.

I urge all of York's four MPs to oppose these proposals and stand up for our excellent education system, not only for York's sake, but for all our children's sake.

Coun Carol Runciman,

Executive member for children's services,

City of York Council

Plainville Lane,

Wigginton, York.

Updated: 09:58 Tuesday, December 20, 2005