I FELT compelled to write to you after reading your article Pub Ejects Mum After Smoking Row (December 16).

Does this young mother realise how stupid and childish she has made herself look?

Her first and foremost argument is about her cigarettes and not the welfare of her own child.

Landlord Terry Daly, of the Old Grey Mare public house, Clifton Green, York, should be commended for his actions.

If Miss Palmer wants to spend all day in a public house then that's her prerogative, but at least get a baby sitter.

If she can afford to drink and smoke then she can afford appropriate child care while doing so.

As a parent of four children, I was outraged by this article. My youngest child suffers from chronic asthma, and needs adult-strength inhalers along with tablets, nebulisers and regular check-ups with the outstanding care and support of the children's unit.

Maybe if Miss Palmer watched a child fighting to breathe she might have very different views. If it was not for the immense dedication and intervention of the medical profession I could have quite easily lost my child on many occasions.

Well done Mr Daly, you have my full support on the decision you made.

Mrs S Churchill,

White Rose Avenue,

New Earswick,


Updated: 09:57 Tuesday, December 20, 2005