TURNOVER has quadrupled since the joint partner of an Easingwold-based company won last year's Evening Press Young Business Entrepreneur of the Year award.

Rosie Ellis won the award for her work with the set design, prop manufacturing and costume construction business, Scenecraft UK Ltd.

The venture has continued to go from strength to strength.

Scenecraft UK Ltd, which Rosie formed with fellow Teesside University entertainment design and crafts graduate Matthew East, has increased its product range and turnover significantly in the past year.

Rosie said: "At the time of the award, Scenecraft UK was still just Matthew and I, but now we sometimes have up to eight full or part-time staff working on projects.

"We have won

significant business nationally from events management companies and theme parks, and have quadrupled our turnover. We are delighted at how things are going."

Updated: 09:12 Tuesday, December 20, 2005