HAVING observed the rejection of protocol and the undermining of tradition in York Minster on his recent installation, I write to ask the people of York to forgive Archbishop John Sentamu for his error of judgement.

I fear that in his rush to be radical, he has missed the meaning of ritual. I had hoped to see a dignified event respecting the traditions of our English Church heritage.

Instead I witnessed the antics of half-naked dancers performing routines more appropriate to a West End stage. Frankly, what should have been a ceremonial occasion turned into a self-indulgent spectacle.

The proceedings may have been acceptable for a parish priest celebrating his ordination, but were inappropriate for a seasoned church official assuming the second highest office in the Church of England. In his desire to be popular with the crowd, the Archbishop appeared to forget his responsibility for and accountability to the wider community of the northern province.

I do admire the man because of his background, I am willing to embrace some of his liberalism and I do like his "common touch". But the Minster occasion was neither the time nor the place for the new Archbishop of York to indulge his original culture or dispense with the ceremonial.

Call me a church "conservative", but if he is to retain my enthusiasm for his ministry I would prefer the Archbishop to show more sensitivity and respect for the sense of occasion we value as part of our cultural traditions in this country.

Allan Charlesworth,

Earswick, York.

Updated: 10:35 Wednesday, December 07, 2005