DAVID Black, you have taken my breath away and my blood pressure has just gone through the roof.

I and many more would like to know where all the empty spaces are. The times we try to find the appropriate parking spaces and they are full - and guess what, many of them are taken up by able-bodied people because they are in a hurry or are just too lazy to walk very far.

One comment received by my husband when explaining that the spaces were reserved for people with a disability was: "if you were not disabled now you would be by the time I had finished with you".

You say that people in wheelchairs should park as far away as possible because they are being pushed - have you ever tried pushing a wheelchair as well as a trolley in bad weather? Both pusher and occupant of wheelchair become cold, wet and exhausted. I challenge you to try!

Even though I am very upset by your comments I hope and pray that you never have to be a holder of a blue card

"It is not your impairment that makes you disabled, but society".

Jackie Chapman,

Garth Close,

White Rose Avenue,

New Earswick,


Updated: 10:33 Tuesday, November 15, 2005