HELEN SPATH is a partner in Tullivers Health Store in Colliergate in York. Each week she will bring you advice on how to stay healthy with herbal and homeopathic remedies or food supplements.

Q: I have suffered from mild depression on and off for the last ten years and it is ruining my quality of life. I have heard a lot about the herb St John's Wort and was wondering if this herb might help me?

A: Yes, it could be what you are looking for. St John's Wort has been used as a herbal remedy since the Middle Ages as it has many medicinal strengths.

Its anti-inflammatory qualities can help with neuralgia, sciatica and fibrositis, and externally its soothing and anti-bacterial properties will aid in the healing of burns, wounds and infections.

Nowadays, however, St John's Wort is generally used as a natural aid for mild to moderate depression and in Germany for example, it is widely prescribed for the treatment of depression in preference to drugs like Prozac. It is believed that the herb works by increasing our levels of serotonin, the "feel-good" hormone. This hormone is necessary for a sense of wellbeing and when supplies fall too low, we can feel depressed.

But it's not all bad news! The benefits of St John's Wort have been clearly shown in numerous clinical trials, with improvements in symptoms such as tiredness, feelings of sadness, hopelessness, uselessness, emotional fear and disturbed sleep.

As with all herbal remedies, the full benefits may take six to eight weeks to be felt without the side effects experienced with conventional anti-depressant medications. However, it can interact with some medicines and anyone taking prescribed medicines should consult their pharmacist or doctor before using it. Ask at your local health food shop for further advice.

Updated: 10:39 Friday, November 04, 2005