REGARDING the staging of the York Mystery Plays in 1951, I was presented with a pair of tickets for that year's production by Mrs Olive Dench, the mother of Dame Judi Dench.

It was a wedding present to my late husband and myself.

Mrs Dench was a customer of the shop in Lendal where I was manageress. At that time she was the wardrobe mistress of the plays and she and her daughter often visited the shop.

The experience of seeing that performance was unforgettable, the setting of the abbey ruins and the beautiful evening was magic.

At 80 years of age the memory is still so clear.

I would dearly like to see this same setting used for a future performance as nothing produced in any theatre or other venue would really do the York Mystery Plays the justice they deserve.

J M Bower,

Hansom Place,


Updated: 10:31 Friday, November 04, 2005