MR Waite (Letters, October 31) is quite right, the Labour Government does want to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and members of the Labour Group on City of York Council agree with this aim.

We are committed to increasing recycling and minimising waste in this city, and therefore reducing the amount of waste that goes into landfill sites.

We believe that it is crucial to control the amount of waste produced not just locally but also nationally and globally. However, we do not believe the Liberal Democrat-run council has gone about achieving this aim in the right way.

Indeed, we believe the policy to reduce weekly refuse collections to fortnightly will be counterproductive. The scheme has not been thought through. York residents are saying the wrong things are being collected at the wrong times.

Recycling is crucial to any waste reduction strategy, but you have to win people's hearts and minds and not alienate them by telling them that is the only way that waste reduction can be achieved.

York residents know this is not true and they have many ideas that could be used if only the Lib Dems would listen. Sadly, the Lib Dems think they know best and do not listen to local residents.

Coun Ruth Potter,

Labour, Heworth ward,

City of York Council,

Chaucer Street, York.

Updated: 10:30 Friday, November 04, 2005