A North Yorkshire public relations firm has enjoyed a record quarter, picking up five new accounts in one month.

Appeal PR, of Harrogate, a four-person team, won competitive pitches to work on a mixture of national, regional and trade media relations accounts for Leeds Manufacturing Initiative, Lloyds TSB Financial Markets Division, the new Opera House Casino, in Scarborough, Castle Vale Properties and Credential Environmental.

Paul Snape, who heads the £290,000-turnover business, started in 1999, is now looking to grow the business from its Montpellier Street offices.

He said: "We've never wanted to be the biggest agency, just the best. But we are now looking to expand the team following a couple of years of consolidation.

"To get the opportunity to pitch for so many new accounts was great, but to win through in all of them was unprecedented.

"We have already delivered the casino launch in Scarborough. That has gone extremely well, generating a great deal of regional and national media coverage."

The team already represents corporate clients such as Lloyds TSB Corporate, DLA Piper and McInnesCorporateFinance.

Updated: 11:18 Thursday, November 03, 2005