ANYBODY attending one of the recent round of ward committee meetings will be fully aware that the Local Transport Plan "consultation" for the general public consisted of little more than a half hour lecture at which we were told what will happen.

Unfortunately, this Lunatic Transport Plan (LTP) will waste huge amounts of taxpayers' money on more of the same old nonsense - Tarmac spewing out in all directions, congestion causing bus lanes, forests of pointless road signs, humps, bumps, chicanes - it's all complete bollards.

Should anyone wish to see this nightmare vision of the future I suggest that they travel along the formerly wide, green approach into the city on Malton Road which swallowed millions of pounds of public money to turn the area into a copy of inner city Leeds. Giving the LTP "lecture" at the Dunnington ward committee meeting was City of York Council's acting assistant director of development and transport, Damon Copperthwaite.

When asked the important question of the impact of all the developments pending and whether there was any joined-up thinking between the planning and transport departments at the council, he managed to avoid answering the question. Citing lack of time Mr Copperthwaite changed into David Copperfield and performed a disappearing act.

Without addressing the question of the city council's overdevelopment of York the LTP is doomed to be a money-wasting irrelevance.

M Warters,

Yew Tree Mews,

Osbaldwick Village,


Updated: 11:08 Thursday, November 03, 2005