HAVING seen the latest episode in the sorry saga of the Barbican redevelopment ("Pool Plan Sinking", October 29), I am astounded to realise how much a small group of protesters has now cost York citizens.

While recognising the right we all have to protest, surely enough is enough. The democratic process has been followed.

Should a small group have the right to delay rebuilding the Barbican, wasting hundreds of thousands of pounds of the city's money until there is no longer enough to build a pool?

We daily read of the growing number of unfit, obese children and adults. Have members of the protest group thought that the delay in rebuilding means no school swimming lessons, aquarobics, family swims, aquanatal classes etc for many people?

Perhaps the Evening Press could start one of its campaigns against the campaigners. Then maybe the pool can finally get rebuilt and York citizens can start getting fit again.

M Kendall,

Blake Court,



Updated: 09:48 Tuesday, November 01, 2005