WE ARE confident that most York people join us in condemning the disgusting racist hate mail sent to our new archbishop and in offering Dr Sentamu our full support in taking up his new role.

The sort of cowards who send anonymous poison pen letters thrive on imagining they speak for the "silent majority". But they do not - in reality they speak only for their own twisted psychological state.

It's important the decent, anti-racist majority speak out against such bigotry, and show that such views are not representative of York or Yorkshire.

To this end, the Yorkshire Region TUC and Unite Against Fascism (UAF) have called on people to attend a joint Rally For Peace & Justice - in this case in opposition to the BNP - in Leeds on Wednesday. York UAF is running a coach to the rally. Anyone wanting a place should phone me on 01904 553490.

Ben Drake,

York Unite Against Fascism,

c/o York City UNISON,

Swinegate Court East,


Updated: 09:18 Monday, October 31, 2005