Mr A P Clayton-Chance has been "gullible" enough to accept all the newspaper and media hype which suggests a general perspective of "something far more sinister" in the incident of Ann Reid and the traffic lights (Letters, October 27).

This is what he was expected to do. There were some of the comments on TV programs which actually thought it was a nice idea. I expect Mr APC-C ignored them?

It interests me how he would come to the conclusion that the saving of approximately six minutes in journey time for the wedding cars, leading to the saving of expensive use of emergency services and staff, could be an indefensible act.

It has been claimed, in flowery letters on these pages, that the council has been ridiculed by the media throughout the world. There is probably not one council anywhere that has not been the target for media hype.

The most that can be said for these particular letters is that they are the ones to be ridiculed, in the real world.

John Beisly,

Osprey Close,


Updated: 09:17 Monday, October 31, 2005