GLAMOROUS girls competing in Miss York's 06 will help to raise funds for Guardian Angels.

Girls entering the contest will be asked to raise money for the appeal, with the entrant who raises the most being crowned Miss Charity.

Organiser Vivienne Lee, of Events Connect, said anyone could win the award, regardless of whether they make the finals.

The winner will be presented with a sash and a prize, such as a five-day TV presenter's course in London.

Vivienne said: "Everybody who enters will be aged between 17 and 24, so it's relevant that it will be young people that they're helping.

"It's great to be part of something like Guardian Angels and I think the girls will really get involved.

"We're very keen to support the appeal and I think we'll raise lots of money for it."

Meanwhile, businesses associated with Miss York 06 have also pledged their support.

The Gallery nightclub, in Clifford Street, will ask customers for donations to Guardian Angels while holding four Miss York heats in January.

Collecting tins will be located at reception.

Deputy manager Chris Bateman said: "It's great to be able to support local children. The way I look at it is that they're our customers of tomorrow."

Kennedy's Caf Bar, in Little Stonegate, and Fitness First, in Clifton Moor, are also hosting Miss York heats and will help to raise funds.

The current MS York, Georgia Horsley, visited the children on the ward as she explained why she supported Guardian Angels.

"The children it will help have only just started their life and they've got so much more to do ahead of them," she said.

"I think it's very important and a lot of people will think what if they were in that situation and their children were really ill and there wasn't enough money for the equipment they needed?"

Entrants to Miss York 06 must be aged between 17 and 24 years of age and live or study within a 30-mile radius of the city.

The winner of the contest will compete in the Miss England finals and have the chance to represent the country in the Miss World competition.

If you would like to follow in Georgia's footsteps, log on to for details and to enter online.

Updated: 10:19 Saturday, October 15, 2005