I WAS able to empathise with your correspondent who had difficulty contacting the green bin advice centre at York Pride.

I rang on Tuesday October 4 requesting advice. I left a message. I rang a further five times during the week, leaving at least one further message. To date no one has had the courtesy to ring me back.

To help get organised with our re-cycling, I bought from B&Q three plastic containers with lids for £12. These boxes are approximately the same size as that provided by the council.

We have used one for cardboard, one for plastic and one for glass and tins.

By substituting the council's box and using the new one with a lid, we have improved the look of our re-cycling area at the side of the house.

This last week is the first time we have used our new system and both the plastic and cardboard containers are over half full.

Our grey plastic bin is approximately a third full so we should be able to survive until the next collection, which I believe is October 17, when I hope the council will be able to also remove the plastic and cardboard we have accumulated.

We can only do our best and live in hope.

Mr G Alderson,

Maple Grove,


Updated: 10:21 Wednesday, October 12, 2005