I APPLAUD Steve Galloway's call for York's MPs to join forces to urge John Prescott to release timely financial support to enable the city to take ownership of its social problems, and create viable and lasting solutions.

But it is nonetheless worrying that the relatively small sum allocated towards the Arc Light project has not already been routinely moved "downstream" by the junior officials entrusted to manage minor spending commitments such as this.

The "now or never" ultimatum purported to have been attached to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister's funding seems unlikely to have been given at the appropriate level in the department.

New Labour does not help its own cause by over reliance on fee-guzzling "expert advisers", who officials now seem to treat as their masters.

Local communities have seen enough of their schools, hospitals, and local service providers contorting to fit themselves into the ever-changing templates provided by this ethereal breed, who have yet to impress, despite their high remunerations.

Rather than waste precious time berating central government's posturing and rhetoric, York's Lib Dems should put their trust in the residents of Clifton to produce a responsible consensus in deciding the facility to replace Shipton Street School.

Then ensure the next rehabilitation project from Arc Light is not hampered by unrealistic demands from central government, to include barmy revenue-producing schemes in order to get past the "stewards" operating its "grant machines" in a similar fashion to crowd control at this year's party conference.

Glynis Hanson,

Willow Glade,



Updated: 09:46 Saturday, October 08, 2005