I WAS interested to read your article about the risks involved in pregnancies for older mothers, especially pre-eclampsia (September 16).

I thought your readers might be interested to know that Action On Pre-eclampsia is a registered charity set up in 1991 to provide information and support to women and families affected by this common and potentially tragic pregnancy condition.

It also aims to raise public and professional awareness, educate, inform and advise the public and health professionals about the prevalence, nature and risks of pre-eclampsia, promote research into the causes of the disease and appropriate screening techniques and treatment methods.

The charity also has a helpline: 020 8427 4217 and a website: www.apec.org.uk.

Jackie Lopez,

PR and Fundraising,

Action on Pre-Eclampsia,

84-88 Pinner Road,

Harrow, Middlesex.

Updated: 11:22 Friday, October 07, 2005