AS a motorcyclist, I often visit towns and cities in Yorkshire.

Some places such as Knaresborough and Harrogate do not acknowledge motorcycles and do not have separate bays for them. Other more enlightened councils, such as York, Bridlington and Scarborough provide free parking spaces, some with ground anchors for better security.

I was therefore a little surprised when visiting Malton and Pickering recently to find no motorcycle spaces and a notice stating that motorcycle riders must purchase a parking ticket. I would therefore take up a full car bay (which could probably hold three bikes).

I would like to ask the councils concerned the following questions:

a) where do I place the ticket on the bike?

b) what's to stop somebody taking it and displaying it to park for free?

c) how do I prove I bought a ticket if stolen?

d) how do they prove I didn't?

I look forward to their answers.

Michael Cawood,

Branton Place,

Acomb, York.

Updated: 11:21 Friday, October 07, 2005