I WAS disgusted to read about the boozy goings-on of young women (The party girls who take a massive risk, September 28).

The very words "girlie night out" make me cringe - they conjure up revolting visions of under-dressed, raucous women, as predatory and sexually aware as any men who may stray into their path.

Small wonder any decent man would give them a wide berth, and the not-so-decent types look them over in the hope of an easy "lay".

Men haven't changed - sadly, women have, and yet they still expect to be treated as the ladies they certainly are not!

I have grand-daughters aged 21 and 22, as pleasure-loving and party-going as young people can be. But drinking too much? They have more sense. The elder said once that "getting drunk is simply asking for trouble", and she is right.

What I can never understand is why enjoying oneself has to imply getting legless as soon as possible.

What is pleasant in being sick, ruining one's clothes, feeling like death the next morning and not knowing if they have had sex or not, or with whom?

What worries me is that these irresponsible types are the mothers of future generations - God help them (the generations, not the mothers).

Heather Causnett,

Escrick Park Gardens,

Escrick, York.

Updated: 11:19 Monday, October 03, 2005