CHARITY bosses today called on public-spirited residents in York and North Yorkshire to get involved with a national day of volunteering.

Leading volunteering charity Community Service Volunteers holds an annual Make A Difference Day, which encourages people to experience voluntary work in their community.

The group believes that many more people could get involved with different projects in the area, helping the local community and taking part in rewarding activities.

But bosses said last year's turnout was "disappointing and surprising".

Charity spokesperson Esther Freeman said: "Numbers for Yorkshire in 2004 were certainly very low compared with other much smaller geographical areas."

The scheme attracted 1,141 volunteers in North Yorkshire, 2,055 in West Yorkshire, 1,676 in South Yorkshire, and only 86 people in the East Riding, compared to more than 100,000 nationally.

This year the charity is hoping that North and East Yorkshire residents will be keener to take part in the event, which takes place on October 29.

"It's quite common for people to think that they don't have time to volunteer, but we want to prove that you can achieve a lot of good work in a single day," said Esther.

"We are aiming to attract around 6,000 people from Yorkshire this time around."

The event will feature over 5,000 activities, from community gardening and litter picks to theatre and an opportunity to knit items of clothing for premature babies.

"There are a huge range of ways that people can help the community, either as part of a group or individually," said Esther.

"There really is an activity for everybody."

Events organised in the York area include an amateur theatre production staged by volunteers.

There will also be a beach clean-up operation on the East Coast by staff at Barclays Bank.

Esther said: "There will be group activities being arranged right up to the day, so it's not too late to get involved and do something that you feel strongly about.

"We are really hoping for a fantastic day. We want to celebrate the changes people can make in their local area, not by giving money, but by donating their time."

To get involved or for more information, phone 0800 284533 or visit

Updated: 10:54 Monday, October 03, 2005