AS chair of Trustees of Arc Light, I write in response to coverage of the possibility of a new centre in Shipton Street.

One of your headlines was 'No way is this consultation!' (August 26). Ironically it was above a photo of the Arc Light Re-provision Board attending a consultation in Clifton!

Although we have not yet put in a planning application, board members have already briefed the three Clifton councillors, held a meeting with leaders of three local residents' associations, twice leafleted 700 Clifton homes outlining the proposals and inviting people to an exhibition and attended that exhibition and a residents meeting. In my view, this is consultation.

The language used in some letters denigrates homeless people with whom I have worked in York for 12 years. Many of those who come to Arc Light seek to turn around their lives. Arc Light's work enables them to do that.

Heaping abuse upon those seeking help is based on assumptions which I recognise as disturbingly prejudiced.

I do understand that people have fears and reservations. We have been at pains to listen to them and will continue to do so. However, homeless people have feelings too and it does nothing for their self-respect to be labelled in a derogatory manner.

One correspondent stated that police are so busy at Arc Light that they have no time to deal with teenagers running over car bonnets in Clifton. Arc Light does not take up police time which would otherwise be devoted to Clifton.

Such allegations show a lack of understanding and disregard of the facts. Arc Light is professionally managed, with a highly-motivated staff and nationally known as a beacon establishment. Its purpose is not to bring chaos to the streets it inhabits but to bring a positive way of life.

Rev Paul Wordsworth,

York Arc Light Project,

The Bullnose Building,

Leeman Road, York.

Updated: 09:49 Friday, September 02, 2005