ON Friday you reported how a young man was stabbed by a 13-year-old girl and a young disabled lad had his PlayStation stolen by a burglar.

You have to ask what sort of girl was the 13 year old to be carrying a knife and, more to the point, being prepared to use it.

As for the burglar, he would not give a monkey's if the person he was stealing from was disabled, blind or indifferent; as long as he got some swag he couldn't care less.

I am now waiting to read that the youth of today are bored or are stealing to fund a drug habit; total utter rubbish. The problem with today's youth is that they have more rights than any of us, they are arrogant, cocky and out of control.

If I saw a copper in my street when I was a kid, I was terrified. Nowadays, kids just give them plenty of lip and the two-fingered salute.

If I did something wrong when I was young, I got a clip round the head off the copper and a good hiding off my old fella. Nowadays that would be assault and land the copper and parent in court.

The words discipline and respect mean absolutely nothing these days and until someone puts the do-gooders in their places and re-introduces old-style values, then Friday's headlines will be Saturday, Sunday and Monday's as well.

PR Willey,

Burnholme Drive,



Updated: 10:58 Tuesday, August 30, 2005