DON'T miss your chance to witness history.

The Evening Press has teamed up with champion club York City Knights to offer readers the chance to be there for free when the LHF National League Two trophy is presented to Mick Cook's triumphant team.

Up for grabs are no fewer than five family tickets to next Sunday's final home game of the season, against Workington at Huntington Stadium, after which the Knights will be officially presented with the NL2 cup.

All you have to do is answer the question below, with all correct entries going into a hat and the five winners being drawn out.

A family ticket gives admission to two adults and two children aged under 16.

All answers should be written on a postcard and sent to Knights Family Ticket Competition, Evening Press Sportsdesk, 76-86 Walmgate, York, Y01 9YN. Leave your name, full address and daytime contact number. The deadline for all entries is noon on Wednesday.

The question you need to answer is published in editions of the Evening Press dated Saturday, August 27.

Updated: 10:30 Saturday, August 27, 2005