I APPRECIATE and entirely understand A Dobinson's comments regarding the effects of cannabis and driving (Letters, August 22). There is, as yet, no conclusive research.

The largest study ever carried out, however, in Australia reported that mild cannabis use actually slightly improved driving ability.

I disagree with the view that cannabis has similar effects to alcohol.

This is obviously the view of someone who has never tried cannabis and is entirely false.

I read occasionally about accidents where cannabis has been implicated by coroners.

I believe these views are often unfounded and always based on circumstantial evidence and not on fact. There are many medicines in use everyday on which one should not drive. This does not mean we should imprison people who use them.

Despite strong campaigns, we still have irresponsible idiots who will drink and drive.

A legal and regulated controlled supply is a much better way of ensuring people receive the correct advice and information in these circumstances.

Legalisation is not about a free for all, it's about controlling what is now out of control.

Steve Clements,

Legalise Cannabis Alliance,

Asquith Avenue,


Updated: 10:23 Wednesday, August 24, 2005