I NEED to put Jez Smith (Letters, August 3) straight on a few points. I am married and come from a family with a history of service in the armed forces.

His letter is decidedly one-sided with no mention of the atrocities inflicted on our troops and also the Iraqi civilians and their own security forces.

It is a pity Jez Smith has not experienced the appalling conditions with which the troops have had to contend in Iraq. Seeing their comrades murdered can and will affect behaviour in some cases.

Nevertheless, I admit that if there is irrefutable evidence of indiscipline, appropriate action should be taken. But I firmly believe this should be dealt with under existing military law, certainly not treated as war crimes.

Despite his protestation, I do not think he has his feet firmly on the ground as I too have the right, in a democratic society, to voice my opinions. Furthermore, as a taxpayer, I strongly object to meeting the bill for lawyers who take up the 'war crimes' allegations.

Finally, the reason our forces are still engaged in Iraq is to support the Iraq security forces in achieving a stable democracy giving equal rights and privileges for all.

Mrs Elizabeth C Earle,

Dower Court,


Updated: 09:30 Wednesday, August 10, 2005