What great news that Mr Blair may not remain in Parliament after the next general election and may even step down before then.

In just a few years from now both he and Mr Bush will be old news consigned to the dustbin of political history.

Let's hope that these two will be replaced by leaders who either do not spout their religious beliefs or at least, for once, actually follow them - thou shall not kill etc.

Which leads nicely on to the English religious establishment who have unelected representatives in the upper House of Parliament. Why does the Church of England not practise what it preaches? Instead of aligning itself to power and privilege why does it not act with humility and compassion by utilising its influence and wealth in land and property to help more those who need it most?

An example is the catastrophe in Niger where 800,000 children are starving to death.

Do the church leaders really believe that if the centre of their belief - Jesus - suddenly reappeared, as they believe he will, he would be pleased with the situation?

These church leaders adorn themselves with grand mitres, cloaks and sceptres whilst living and working in lavish and luxurious surroundings.

They spend £500,000 on a house opposite the grand palace of Bishopthorpe, yet lack the will to prioritise and instead use that money to help the children of Niger.

T Scaife,

Manor Drive,


Updated: 09:28 Wednesday, August 10, 2005