I WAS interested in the "Tourism In Crisis" article on the Business pages of the Evening Press (August 4) about the skills shortage in the tourism industry.

Scarborough Enterprise Agency is the sector skills broker in York and North Yorkshire.

Our contract is with the Learning and Skills Council, with whom we are working closely to raise the profile of skills and business support. We also work with Yorkshire Tourist Board, the local hospitality associations and local councils responsible for tourism.

Any small or medium-sized enterprise (fewer than 250 employees) in the tourism and hospitality sector can use our services.

We have fieldworkers covering the region and I would invite readers to contact me on 01723 354454 to arrange for a visit to discuss their training and other business needs.

Keith Kaye,

Business Adviser,

Scarborough Enterprise Agency,

Auborough Street, Scarborough.

Updated: 10:54 Monday, August 08, 2005