ONE of the most compelling pictures in the 1968 Esher Report on York is of the Castle area and his remark that Clifford's Tower stands "forlornly trapped among parked cars".

I was absolutely delighted with the city council's latest proposals, which should have universal acceptance, for the cars to be parked underground (July 25).

On my return after a visit to Weimar with a U3A group in 1998 - the year before it became Europe's Cultural Capital - I was so impressed by an underground car park in parkland without any impact on the landscape I handed my photographs to one of the planning officers on my return.

Perhaps we could celebrate in 2008, the 40th anniversary of the Esher Report, with a grand opening ceremony of our own new and invisible car park.

Richard O Whiting,

Redman Close,


Updated: 09:52 Friday, July 29, 2005