THERE were moments when Labour ran the city when I worried about the council's policies.

Since the Liberal Democrats have controlled matters I worry more.

Apart from several somewhat wacky development schemes across the city, they have turned a scheme developed under Labour in South Bank, Clementhorpe and elsewhere to help with street parking for residents with the catchy name of ResPark into a tax on those people with no garages who must park outside their houses, doubling the previously not-for-profit fees.

On top of that, every time we have a visitor, we must pay £1 for them to park. How can I complain though? They've just started a new service free of charge. When they collect the recycled waste they wake us up before 7am at no charge by dropping loads of bottles into a steel container. You didn't want to be woken before 7am? So sorry!

How could I criticise any aspect of such a worthy environmental initiative such as this - how callous can I be? The council should, however, understand that they are there for our (the ratepayers) benefit, not us for theirs.

They are our humble servants.

Keith Gailer,

Bewlay Street, York.

Updated: 09:49 Friday, July 29, 2005