SO the council has granted the Barbican late licence application. What a surprise!

The council is the prime mover as landlords and major beneficiaries of this decision. It is quite wrong that it is judge and jury on its own scheme when hundreds, if not thousands, of the Barbican's nearest neighbours oppose the granting of this licence.

It really is time for a reality check on just what the licensing committee has allowed on the site.

The Barbican building is vast. Every square yard, apart from the corridors, is now licensed for every license-able activity possible, especially the sale of alcohol.

Look at the closing time, 2am, seven nights a week, and later on some dates. Check the plans. See the massive dance floors proposed for the auditorium and sports hall.

Remember the promise "with a casino at the back". Look at the sheer size of the planned bars, including the new ones planned for the front.

This scheme is all about the sale of alcohol on an immense scale. Look at Absolute Leisure's operations in Newcastle, Middlesbrough, Scarborough, Castleford and Leeds. It's what they do: sell booze, and lots of it!

The infamous Micklegate was once a relatively quiet street until, in the Seventies, 2am licenses were granted. There are 15 pubs on the Micklegate circuit.

There are 16 within five minutes walk of the Barbican. Residents fear the creation of a new late night drinking circuit, with the Barbican as its catalyst and hub.

It is already happening. The nearest Pub to the Barbican, The Victoria, anticipating a precedent, has made an application for a 1am licence.

Others are to follow suit. The council which allows this to happen will live in infamy.

Ernie Dickinson,

Chair, Save Our Barbican,

Anne Street,


Updated: 10:58 Thursday, July 21, 2005