YORK'S bid for a £2.25 million super sports complex has fallen at the first hurdle.The University College of Ripon and York St John had hoped to attract £1.8 million Lottery cash to build a world-beating sports centre - with the dream of grooming North Yorkshire's future Olympic medalists and saving lives.Now, despite winning the support of the York community and city council, the Heworth Green-based project has failed to win its first round of fundraising efforts.But those behind the sports and exercise centre say the race is far from over.Dr Andy Smith, senior lecturer in sports science at St John's - who was responsible for managing the Lottery bid - said: "We would still like the centre to become a reality and are currently exploring alternative funding possibilities."The college, which has already been granted planning permission, hope to launch a scheme to identify outstanding sporting talent, as St John's sport scientists and coaches work with Burnholme Community College to identify children with sporting talent. If funding is found, the sporting academy will be equipped with a revolutionary "speed alley", covered sports arena, multi-gym, improved research facilities and an all-weather floodlit sports pitch.Residents with health problems would also be encouraged to make use of the facilities, plans for which are backed by MP Hugh Bayley and Sports Council members."We believe the project would have a major impact on the development of York as a centre of excellence for sporting performance and research."It would not only allow athletes to realise their full potential, but would also provide a service to residents who have health problems such as heart disease and obesity."

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