IF YOU'RE a glutton for white knuckle rides get your vocal chords ready to scream - very loudly.Two of the world's scariest rides are winging their way over to North Yorkshire to take pride of place in the county's top theme parks.Representatives from Flamingo Land Theme Park and Zoo, near Malton, are to visit Germany to inspect a new ride - yet to be named - which is priced at £1.5 million.Subject to planning permission Flamingo Land's latest addition will become the first of its kind in the world.The ride will involve up to 32 passengers sitting in seats set in a circle, which will be lifted via a pole before being plunged into a terrifying fall.Melanie Gibb, marketing manager at Flamingo Land, said: "The ride is unique. It will be a brilliant showpiece for the park and the region. The free-falling and downwards propelling sensation will be terrifying as well as exhilarating."A temporary construction will hold the fully portable ride in place during the summer season, and in the winter it will be contracted out to a theme park in Japan.Ripon fun park Lightwater Valley, which last year attracted more than 350,000 visitors, is also taking delivery of a new ride this season.When its gates open on April 4, the as yet unnamed ride will be unveiled.Janet Gudgeon, the attraction's marketing manager, said: "It's in the form of a swinging chair with a massive moon in the middle."It really is very important to keep coming up with new rides."

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