A RETIRED man who raped and regularly abused a young schoolgirl could die in jail, York Crown Court heard.

Judge Arthur Myerson reduced a prison sentence he was to impose on William Copeland Duff Bruce, 56, because he suffers from angina and arthritis.

But he still gave Bruce five years for raping the girl, who was of junior school age, and three years concurrently for indecently assaulting her over more than three months.

"It cannot be said too often that people who behave in this way towards children must inevitably suffer a considerable sentence of imprisonment," said Judge Myerson.

He also ordered Bruce, of Middleton Road, York, to register with police as a sex offender for the rest of his life.

Bruce's victim said she wanted him to go to jail when she gave video evidence at his trial last December.

Defending Bruce, barrister Colin Burn said: "He has led an otherwise blameless life which, who knows, may come to an end in custody."

If he survived the sentence, he would have great difficulty returning to York, although all his family lives in the city.

Bruce had served nine years in the Royal Navy, had been a hard-working man in civilian life and was well liked in the community before the abuse came to light, said Mr Burn.

At Bruce's trial in York, he collapsed with an angina attack while awaiting the verdict.

After an ambulance took him to hospital, the jury convicted him of one rape and two charges of indecent assault. They acquitted him of a second rape and of abusing another girl.

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