POLICE in Ryedale want help to catch a mother and two young children responsible for a series of Fagin-style thefts.

The woman accompanied by two young boys - described by officers as part of a well-organised team - are believed to have stolen cash and property worth hundreds of pounds from offices and shops.

More than £73 was stolen from the office of solicitors Crombie Wilkinson and Oakley in Malton in December last year, and police are now linking this theft with four similar incidents which took place on the same day in Driffield and Beverley.

In each case the woman and child have caused a disturbance while the older boy sneaks into a private area to steal money and personal belongings.

Despite widespread appeals about them through Crimestoppers their identities still remain a mystery.

The woman is about 25-years-old, 5ft 2in, of slim build with dark brown shoulder-length hair tied back. She is described by officers as a Fagin-like character who speaks with a rough Hull accent.

The two boys both have distinctive ginger hair and could be brothers. One of them is described as around 10-years-old, 4ft 8in, and could have been wearing a white Leeds United football top.

Police believe the woman and children were driving a blue Maestro on the day. Sergeant David Woolley, of Malton police, said it was very unusual for children of this age to commit crimes in such an organised way.

He said: "It seems that the woman and the young boy cause a distraction when he might cry. The confusion and mayhem distracts the staff while the other boy visits private areas of a premises."

Purses and other property including a leather coat have been taken from hairdressers in Driffield and Beverley. And a woman had her purse stolen from a supermarket in Driffield.

Information about the suspects or any similar incidents should be reported to Malton police on 01653 692424.

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